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This view provides a historical summary of processes with some aggregation.

Lacework continuously monitors for processes in your environment and returns a row in the PROCESS_SUMMARY_V view when Lacework detects a new key. For this view, a key is generated from the MID (machine id), PID, PPID, START_TIME, and END_TIME. Note that the process rows are aggregated hourly. For example, if the same key is detected twice between 1:00 AM (START_TIME) and 1:59 AM (END_TIME), only one row is returned for this hour. For the next hour, the START_TIME (2:00 AM) and END_TIME (2:59 AM) are different so if the same process is detected again, a new row is returned because the key is different.

Each row contains process information as listed in the columns.

Column NameData TypeDescription
START_TIMETimestampThe time and date when the hourly aggregation time period starts.
END_TIMETimestampThe time and date when the hourly aggregation time period ends.
MIDNumberThe Lacework-generated machine identifier for the system where the process is running.
PIDNumberThe number that uniquely identifies the process.
PPIDNumberThe parent PID of the process that started this process.
USERNAMETextThe username that started the process.
UIDNumberThe Linux unique identifier associated with the user on this machine.
FILE_PATHTextThe full directory path to a file.
CMDLINE_HASHTextThe hash generated by hashing the command line name.
POD_NAMETextThe name of a pod. A pod is a group of containers.
PROCESS_START_TIMETimestampThe actual time when the process starts.
CONTAINER_IDTextThe container id the process is running under.