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This view provides raw historic data about connections.

Lacework regularly monitors for connections in your environment and returns a row in the CONNECTIONS_V view when Lacework detects a connection.

Each row contains connection information as listed in the columns.

Column NameData TypeDescription
START_TIMETimestampThe time and date when the hourly aggregation time period starts.
END_TIMETimestampThe time and date when the hourly aggregation time period ends.
SRC_ENTITY_TYPEVarcharThe type of entity initiating the connection.
SRC_ENTITY_IDVariantThe identifier of the entity initiating the connection.
DST_ENTITY_TYPEVarcharThe type of entity accepting the connection.
DST_ENTITY_IDVariantThe identifier of the entity accepting the connection.
SRC_IN_BYTESVariantBytes received by the entity initiating the connection.
SRC_OUT_BYTESVariantBytes sent by the entity initiating the connection.
DST_IN_BYTESVariantBytes received by the entity accepting the connection.
DST_OUT_BYTESVariantBytes sent by the entity accepting the connection.
ENDPOINT_DETAILSVariantThe endpoint information (IPs, ports, protocol) for individual connections between entities.
NUM_CONNSVariantThe total number of connections between source and destination entities.