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This view provides container vulnerability assessment details (such as CVE ID, Image ID, Package info, fix info, etc.) about a discovered vulnerability in an Image within the last 90 days.

Each row contains file information as listed in the columns.

Column NameData TypeDescription
START_TIMETimestampThe time and date when the hourly aggregation time period starts.
VULN_IDTextThe vulnerability ID found on a given host.
IMAGE_IDTextThe Lacework-generated image identifier that uniquely identifies the container image.
EVAL_CTXJSON ObjectThe eval context provides image details such as first boot time, image ID, image created time, and image scan details.
FEATURE_KEYJSON ObjectThe feature key provides information about the package name, version, and namespace for the vulnerability mentioned in VULN_ID.
FEATURE_PROPSJSON ObjectThe feature props provide introduced in layer information for the vulnerability mentioned in VULN_ID.
SEVERITYTextThe severity of the vulnerability found.
FIX_INFOJSON ObjectThe fix info provides details if any fix is available for the detected CVE.
STATUSTextThe vulnerability evaluation status is either GOOD or VULNERABLE.
PROPSJSON ObjectThe props provides future relevant information about the Image and CVE.