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This view reports details about supported and configured cloud resources.

Each row contains file information as listed in the columns.

Column NameData TypeDescription
START_TIMETimestampThe time and date when the hourly aggregation time period starts.
END_TIMETimestampThe time and date when the hourly aggregation time period ends.
URNVarcharURN of the resource.
SERVICEVarcharThe service that the resource belongs to.
STATUSVariantThe status of the resource.
CLOUD_DETAILSVariantCloud details.
RESOURCE_TYPEVarcharThe resource type.
RESOURCE_IDVarcharThe ID of the resource.
RESOURCE_REGIONVarcharThe region that the resource belongs to.
RESOURCE_CONFIGVariantThe configuration of the resource.
RESOURCE_TAGSVariantThe tags associated with the resource.
CSPVarcharThe cloud provider.
API_KEYVarcharThe key describing the API used to fetch data for the resource.