This view provides host vulnerability assessment details (such as CVE ID, Machine Id, Package info, fix info etc) about a discovered vulnerability in a host within the last 90 days.
Each row contains file information as listed in the columns.
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
START_TIME | Timestamp | The time and date when the hourly aggregation time period starts. |
END_TIME | Timestamp | The time and date when the hourly aggregation time period ends. |
VULN_ID | Text | The vulnerability ID found on a given host. |
MID | Number | The Lacework-generated machine identifier that uniquely identifies the machine. |
MACHINE_TAGS | JSON Object | The tags or labels assigned to machines (such as VMs) to categorize them. |
EVAL_CTX | JSON Object | The eval context provides machine details such as first boot time, host name, machine created time, and eval guid. |
FEATURE_KEY | JSON Object | The feature key provides the information about the package name and namespace that contains the vulnerability mentioned in VULN_ID. |
SEVERITY | Text | The severity of the vulnerability found. |
FIX_INFO | JSON Object | The fix info provides details about the CVE such as fix available version, eval status, etc. |
STATUS | Text | The evaluation status generated by Lacework to show if the CVE is New, Active, Fixed, Reopened, etc. |
CVE_PROPS | JSON Object | The CVE props contains CVE description and metadata. |
PROPS | JSON Object | The props provides other relevant information about the host and CVE. |