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Install with Ansible

Because Ansible is a flexible and extensible automation tool, you can use multiple strategies to install the Lacework agents. Use the following skeleton Debian and RPM playbooks as building blocks to create more advanced, environment-specific playbooks.

Each playbook consists of two parts:

  1. Installation of the Lacework agent. To ensure the latest package, the playbooks query the Lacework repository. Playbooks can be made to retrieve files locally.

  2. Distribution of a Lacework configuration file - config.json. The config.json file must minimally include an access token or the Lacework datacollector cannot communicate with the Lacework application. If you are non-US user, you must add your agent server URL in the config.json file. For more information, see config.json.

    In the examples below, config.json is located in the /etc/ansible/lacework/ directory of the Ansible server. You must create this file.

RPM Installation

    - hosts: lacework_servers  
become: yes
- name: configure the lacework repo
name: packages-lacework-prod
description: packages-lacework-prod
gpgcheck: yes
enabled: yes
- name: install lacework datacollector
name: lacework
state: latest
- name: wait until /var/lib/lacework/config/ is created
path: /var/lib/lacework/config/
- name: copy config.json
src: /etc/ansible/lacework/config.json
dest: /var/lib/lacework/config/config.json
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0644

Debian Installation

    - hosts: lacework_servers
  become: yes
  - name: add apt signing key
      keyserver: hkp://
      id: EE0CC692
      state: present
  - name: add lacework repository into source list
      repo: "deb [arch=amd64]{{ ansible_distribution | lower }} {{ ansible_distribution_release }} main"
      filename: lacework
      state: present
      update_cache: yes
  - name: install lacework datacollector
      name: lacework
      state: latest
  - name: wait until /var/lib/lacework/config/ is created
      path: /var/lib/lacework/config/
  - name: copy config.json
   src: /etc/ansible/lacework/config.json
   dest: /var/lib/lacework/config/config.json
   owner: root
   group: root
   mode: 0644

After you install the agent, it takes 10 to 15 minutes for agent data to appear in the Lacework Console under Resources > Agents.