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Install on CoreOS

CoreOS does not have a package manager. Hence, you can install the Lacework agent using the installation script or by manually installing a Docker image.

This article assumes that you are using the host shell. You can issue commands from within a container but you must have permission to access the host file system.

  1. Download the docker tar file from the Lacework Console. For more information, see Download Agent Installers and Get the Agent Access Token.
  2. Unzip the tar file in a temporary directory:
    tar zxvf docker.tar.gz
  3. Copy the Lacework agent to the /etc/systemd/system/ directory. You must be root or part of the sudoers group for this action and all subsequent commands.
    cp docker/datacollector.service /etc/systemd/system/datacollector.service
  4. Create the lacework configuration directory:
    mkdir -p /var/lib/lacework/config
  5. Create the configuration file (config.json) and enter your agent access token and optionally your agent server URL. For more information about the agent access token, see Download Agent Installers and Get the Agent Access Token. For more information about the agent server URL, see Agent Server URL.
    echo {\"tokens\":{\"AccessToken\":\"YOUR_AGENT_ACCESS_TOKEN\"},\"serverurl\":\"YOUR-SERVER_URL\"} > /var/lib/lacework/config/config.json  
  6. Use the following commands to stop the datacollector service for systemd to recognize the changes to its configuration directives, reload the daemon to reload the directives, enable the Lacework agent, and start the datacollector service.
    systemctl stop datacollector.service
    systemctl daemon-reload
    systemctl enable datacollector.service
    systemctl start datacollector.service
    After you install the agent, it takes 10 to 15 minutes for agent data to appear in the Lacework Console under Resources > Agents.