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Manage an EKS Audit Log Integration Using Terraform


Lacework AWS EKS Audit Log Integration can be managed with Terraform via the use of the Lacework Terraform Provider

The Terraform Provider provides lacework_integration_aws_eks_audit_log for managing AWS EKS Audit Log Integrations.

Lacework Cloud Account AWS EKS Audit Log Terraform Resource

The lacework_integration_aws_eks_audit_log resource provides the ability to integrate AWS EKS Audit Logs with Lacework.

Example lacework_integration_aws_eks_audit_log

The following example shows how to define a Terraform resource to integrate an AWS EKS cluster's audit logs with Lacework.

resource "lacework_integration_aws_eks_audit_log" "example" {
name = "AWS EKS audit log integration example"
sns_arn = "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789123:foo-lacework-eks"
credentials {
role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::249446771485:role/lacework-iam-example-role"
external_id = "12345"
retries = 10

For more information about the Lacework AWS EKS Audit Log Terraform resource, see lacework_aws eks audit log integration on the Terraform Registry.