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Run a Silent Installation of Windows Agent

For scenarios where you want to run the Windows agent MSI package silently or unattended without any notifications or prompts, include the /qn parameter when you run the install command in the PowerShell command line:

C:\Users\Administrator> msiexec.exe /i LWDataCollector.msi ACCESSTOKEN=Your_Access_Token SERVERURL=Your_API_Endpoint /qn


By default, the agent is automatically upgraded when a new version is available. To disable automatic upgrade, use the AUTOUPGRADE=disabled option. For example:

C:\Users\Administrator> msiexec.exe /i LWDataCollector.msi ACCESSTOKEN=Your_Access_Token SERVERURL=Your_API_Endpoint AUTOUPGRADE=disabled /qn


For improved security and to benefit from new and improved features, Lacework recommends that you do not disable automatic upgrade of the agent.

A config.json file that contains the options you specified in the command line is created in the C:\ProgramData\Lacework\ directory. You can modify this file to change the settings for the agent. If you modify the file, you must restart the agent for the changes to take effect. For more information, see Restart Windows Agent.