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How Lacework Derives the Kubernetes Cluster Name

When you deploy the Lacework agent in your Kubernetes environment, the list of Kubernetes clusters in which the agent is deployed is displayed in the Kubernetes dossier in the Lacework Console.

Kubernetes dossier with clusters

This topic describes how Lacework derives the Kubernetes cluster name, what you can do if the cluster name does not appear in the Lacework Console, and how you can modify the cluster name that appears in the Lacework Console.

How Lacework Derives the Cluster Name

  1. Depending on your Kubernetes environment and distribution, Lacework uses multiple methods to derive the cluster name.

    1. If your K8s orchestrator supports machine tags, you can add a machine tag named KubernetesCluster for your cluster. Lacework can derive the cluster name from the machine tag. For more information, see Add KubernetesCluster Machine Tag.

    2. The Lacework agent can also read the cluster name from its local config.json file if it is specified using the KubernetesCluster agent tag, as shown in the following example. For more information, see Set KubernetesCluster Agent Tag in config.json File.

  2. If your K8s orchestrator does not have the KubernetesCluster machine tag and your config.json file does not have the KubernetesCluster agent tag, Lacework attempts to locate a key in the agent data set that resembles to derive the cluster name. In this example, newprod.k8s.local is the cluster name.

  3. If the machine tag, agent tag, or agent data set key is not available, the cluster name is not displayed in the Kubernetes dossier in the Lacework Console.

What Should I do if a Cluster is not Displayed in the Lacework Console

A Kubernetes cluster may not be displayed in the Kubernetes dossier in the Lacework Console if:

  • The Lacework agent is unable to read the cluster name in your Kubernetes environment. For more information, see How Lacework Derives the Cluster Name.
  • The cluster was not active during the time window you selected in the Kubernetes dossier in the Lacework console.

If a cluster is currently active, you can do one of the following to display the cluster name in the Kubernetes dossier:

If your K8s orchestrator supports machine tags, do the following:

  1. Add a machine tag named KubernetesCluster on your cluster and specify the cluster name as the value of the tag. For example, add the following tag on your EKS cluster using the instructions at Tagging Your Amazon EKS Resources.

    KubernetesCluster tag

  2. Ensure that the Lacework agent has access to the tags in your K8s orchestrator.


Lacework recommends this method because it enables the agent to automatically obtain the cluster name from your K8s orchestrator.

Set KubernetesCluster Agent Tag in config.json File

You can set the KubernetesCluster agent tag in the config.json agent configuration file by doing any of the following. Lacework recommends this method if you have built your own Kubernetes cluster rather than utilizing EKS, AKS, GKE, or similar orchestrator.

  • If you use the Lacework Helm chart to deploy the agent, use the following option with the helm install or helm upgrade command:

    --set laceworkConfig.kubernetesCluster=YourClusterName

    For example:

    helm --install --namespace lacework --create-namespace \
    --set laceworkConfig.accessToken=LACEWORK_AGENT_TOKEN \
    --set laceworkConfig.serverUrl=LACEWORK_SERVER_URL \
    --set laceworkConfig.kubernetesCluster=YourClusterName \
    lacework-agent lacework/lacework-agent

    For more information about using the Lacework Helm chart, see Install using Helm.

  • If you use the lacework-cfg-k8s.yaml configmap file to deploy the agent, do the following:

    1. Specify the cluster name using the KubernetesCluster tag in the config.json section of the lacework-cfg-k8s.yaml file as shown below:

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: ConfigMap
      name: lacework-config
      config.json: |
      "tags":{"Env":"k8s", "KubernetesCluster":"YourClusterName"}
    2. Push the updated lacework-cfg-k8s.yaml file to the cluster.

      kubectl replace -f lacework-cfg-k8s.yaml -n lacework

    For more information about using the lacework-cfg-k8s.yaml configmap file, see DaemonSet Deployment Using a configmap.

How Can I Modify a Cluster Name in the Lacework Console

Lacework allows you to change the cluster name reported by the Lacework agent in the Kubernetes dossier in the Lacework Console.

  • If you use the Lacework Helm chart to deploy the agent, use the following option with the helm install or helm upgrade command:

    --set laceworkConfig.kubernetesCluster=YourClusterName

    For more information about using the Lacework Helm chart, see Install using Helm.

  • If you use the lacework-cfg-k8s.yaml configmap file to deploy the agent, do the following:

    1. Specify the cluster name using the KubernetesCluster tag in the config.json section of the lacework-cfg-k8s.yaml file as shown below:

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: ConfigMap
      name: lacework-config
      config.json: |
      "tags":{"Env":"k8s", "KubernetesCluster":"YourClusterName"}

    2. Push the updated lacework-cfg-k8s.yaml file to the cluster.

      kubectl replace -f lacework-cfg-k8s.yaml -n lacework

    For more information about using the lacework-cfg-k8s.yaml configmap file, see DaemonSet Deployment Using a configmap.