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AWS Integration Types

Lacework onboarding offers the following types of AWS integration with your Lacework account, depending on your specific cloud environment and whether you are interested in compliance or log monitoring:

Integration TypeDescription
ConfigurationIntegrates with your AWS environment to analyze configuration compliance.
Configuration (US GovCloud)Integrates with your AWS US GovCloud environment to analyze configuration compliance.
CloudTrail+ConfigurationIntegrates with your AWS environment to analyze CloudTrail activity and configuration compliance.
CloudTrail+Configuration (US GovCloud)Integrates with your AWS US Govcloud environment to analyze CloudTrail activity and configuration compliance.
EKS Audit LogIntegrates with your AWS account to monitor and baseline Kubernetes audit logs.
Agentless Workload Scanning (Single account)Integrates with your AWS account to scan vulnerabilities on your hosts and containers.
Agentless Workload Scanning (Organization)Integrates with your AWS organization to scan vulnerabilities on your hosts and containers.
  1. Select Configure cloud account in the Onboarding page.
  2. Click Amazon Web Services as your cloud provider on the Select a cloud provider page. A list of available integration types appear.
  3. Determine which type of integration to perform for your Lacework account.