ELB SSL Certificate expires in 45 Days
The Elastic Load Balancer SSL certificates will expire in less than 45 days.
Sign in to the AWS Management Console.
Navigate to EC2 dashboard at
Select LOAD BALANCING > Load Balancers.
Select the Load Balancer that was flagged as having a violating certificate attached.
Select the Listeners tab.
On the Listeners tab, for SSL Certificate, choose Change.
If you created or imported a certificate using AWS Certificate Manager, select Choose an existing certificate from AWS Certificate Manager (ACM), select the certificate from Certificate, and then choose Save.
If you imported a certificate using IAM, select Choose an existing certificate from AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), select the certificate from Certificate, and then choose Save.
If you have a certificate to import but ACM is not supported in the Region, select Upload a new SSL Certificate to AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). Type a name for the certificate, copy the required information to the form, and then choose Save. Note that the certificate chain is not required if the certificate is a self-signed certificate.