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Ensure the bucket ACL does not grant AWS users READ_ACP permission [read bucket ACL]


The S3 bucket ACL gives any authenticated AWS user permission to READ the bucket ACL. It is best practice to restrict READ_ACP permission to only principals who require it.

Note: S3 buckets created with the default/recommended AWS settings have ACLs disabled and will therefore be compliant with this policy.


Perform the following to revoke READ_ACP permission for all AWS users:

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console

  2. Select Services

  3. Select S3

  4. Select the bucket to change

  5. Navigate to Permissions

  6. Navigate to Access Control List and select Edit

  7. Against Authenticated users group (anyone with an AWS account), uncheck 'Read' under Bucket ACL

  8. Select Save changes

  9. Repeat steps 4-8 for each bucket requiring updated permissions