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You can configure Lacework to forward alerts to specific VictorOps groups using a VictorOps REST endpoint.

Create a REST Endpoint

  • In VictorOps, navigate to Settings > Alert Behavior > Integrations > REST – Generic
  • If the REST endpoint integration is not enabled, click the blue Enable button to generate your endpoint destination URL.

Before providing the URL to Lacework, you must replace everything after the final forward slash with the routing key that you want to use for the integration. Alert routing gives you the ability to assign specific types of alerts to specific groups. The final URL must use this form:[routing_key]

For details about creating REST endpoints, see VictorOps: REST Endpoint and VictorOps Routing Keys.

Create a VictorOps Alert Channel from the Lacework Console

  1. Log in to the Lacework Console as a Lacework user with administrative privileges.
  2. Go to Settings > Notifications > Alert channels.
  3. Click + Add new.
  4. Select VictorOps.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Follow the steps in the next section.

Create a VictorOps Alert Channel

Ensure you have created a VictorOps REST endpoint as described in Create a REST Endpoint. Then complete the following steps:

  1. Name the channel.
  2. Add the VictorOps REST endpoint URL.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Click Alert rules and configure your required alert routing details/options by leveraging the alert channel you created.

You should now start to receive Lacework alert notifications in your chosen VictorOps group.

Create a Lacework VictorOps Alert Channel Using Terraform

For organizations using Terraform to manage their environments, Lacework maintains the Terraform provider for Lacework, which enables configuration of Lacework alert channels using automation.

If you are new to the Lacework Terraform Provider, or Lacework Terraform Modules, read the Terraform for Lacework Overview to learn the basics on how to configure the provider and more.

For a complete list of custom Terraform resources to manage alert channels in Lacework, see Managing Alert Channels with Terraform.

# Configure Victor Ops Alert Channel in Lacework
resource "lacework_alert_channel_victorops" "example" {
name = "Victor Ops example"
webhook_url = ""

Additional information on the lacework_alert_channel_victorops resource can be found on the Terraform Registry.