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1.15 Ensure IAM Users Receive Permissions Only Through Groups (Automated)

Profile Applicability

• Level 1


IAM users are granted access to services, functions, and data through IAM policies. There are three ways to define policies for a user: 1) Edit the user policy directly, aka an inline, or user, policy; 2) attach a policy directly to a user; 3) add the user to an IAM group that has an attached policy.

Only the third implementation is recommended.


Assigning IAM policy only through groups unifies permissions management to a single, flexible layer consistent with organizational functional roles. By unifying permissions management, the likelihood of excessive permissions is reduced.


Perform the following to determine if an inline policy is set or a policy is directly attached to users:

  1. Run the following to get a list of IAM users:
 aws iam list-users --query 'Users[*].UserName' --output text 
  1. For each user returned, run the following command to determine if any policies are attached to them:
 aws iam list-attached-user-policies --user-name <iam_user>
aws iam list-user-policies --user-name <iam_user>
  1. If any policies are returned, the user has an inline policy or direct policy attachment.


Perform the following to create an IAM group and assign a policy to it:

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console at
  2. In the navigation pane, click Groups and then click Create New Group .
  3. In the Group Name box, type the name of the group and then click Next Step .
  4. In the list of policies, select the check box for each policy that you want to apply to all members of the group. Then click Next Step .
  5. Click Create Group

Perform the following to add a user to a given group:

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console at
  2. In the navigation pane, click Groups
  3. Select the group to add a user to
  4. Click Add Users To Group
  5. Select the users to be added to the group
  6. Click Add Users

Perform the following to remove a direct association between a user and policy:

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console at
  2. In the left navigation pane, click on Users
  3. For each user:
  • Select the user
  • Click on the Permissions tab
  • Expand Permissions policies
  • Click X for each policy; then click Detach or Remove (depending on policy type)

