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1.12 Ensure credentials unused for 45 days or greater are disabled (Automated)

Profile Applicability

• Level 1


AWS IAM users can access AWS resources using different types of credentials, such as passwords or access keys. It is recommended that all credentials that have been unused in 45 or greater days be deactivated or removed.


Disabling or removing unnecessary credentials will reduce the window of opportunity for credentials associated with a compromised or abandoned account to be used.


Perform the following to determine if unused credentials exist:

From Console

  1. Login to the AWS Management Console
  2. Click Services
  3. Click IAM
  4. Click on Users
  5. Click the Settings (gear) icon.
  6. Select Console last sign-in, Access key last used, and Access Key Id
  7. Click on Close
  8. Check and ensure that Console last sign-in is less than 45 days ago.

Note - Never means the user has never logged in.

  1. Check and ensure that Access key age is less than 45 days and that Access key last used does not say None

If the user hasn't signed into the Console in the last 45 days or Access keys are over 45 days old refer to the remediation.

From Command Line

Download Credential Report:

  1. Run the following commands:
 aws iam generate-credential-report

aws iam get-credential-report --query 'Content' --output text | base64 -d | cut -d, -f1,4,5,6,9,10,11,14,15,16

Ensure unused credentials do not exist:

  1. For each user having password_enabled set to TRUE , ensure password_last_used_date is less than 45 days ago.
  • When password_enabled is set to TRUE and password_last_used is set to No_Information , ensure password_last_changed is less than 45 days ago.
  1. For each user having an access_key_1_active or access_key_2_active to TRUE , ensure the corresponding access_key_n_last_used_date is less than 45 days ago.
  • When a user having an access_key_x_active (where x is 1 or 2) to TRUE and corresponding access_key_x_last_used_date is set to N/A', ensure access_key_x_last_rotated` is less than 45 days ago.


From Console

Perform the following to manage Unused Password (IAM user console access)

  1. Login to the AWS Management Console:
  2. Click Services
  3. Click IAM
  4. Click on Users
  5. Click on Security Credentials
  6. Select user whose Console last sign-in is greater than 45 days
  7. Click Security credentials
  8. In section Sign-in credentials, Console password click Manage
  9. Under Console Access select Disable 10.Click Apply

Perform the following to deactivate Access Keys:

  1. Login to the AWS Management Console:
  2. Click Services
  3. Click IAM
  4. Click on Users
  5. Click on Security Credentials
  6. Select any access keys that are over 45 days old and that have been used and
  • Click on Make Inactive
  1. Select any access keys that are over 45 days old and that have not been used and
  • Click the X to Delete

