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August 2021 Linux Agent Release


Release Date

August 3, 2021

Summary of Changes/Improvements

  • Container Networking Interfaces (CNIs) are a way in which the K8s network model is implemented. Agent v4.1 significantly improves agent support for the following CNIs - EKS, Weavenet, Calico, Flannel, Kubelet (default K8s), Cilium, and GKE variants that use default K8s/aliases. This corrects attribution issues and provides better polygraphs and reduces the connection data collected. Agent v4.1 adds support for pod to pod traffic, incoming to pod traffic, pod to external traffic, host processes to pod and other variations in a variety of K8s deployment. This release also enables Lacework to easily add support for additional CNIs that you might be using.

  • Optimized the number of HTTP POSTs sent to the backend improving overall performance

  • Optimized the agent to reduce fetching user details that in turn decreases requests for LDAP deployments

  • Reduced CPU utilization by 20-30% in high connection count container environments. Optimized packet capture, backend data transfer, and internal timing and connection attribution logic.

  • Enhanced agent logs to provide timestamps with millisecond resolution