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Login From Source Using Calltype

This alert occurs when Lacework detects a new edge between the geolocation and the AWS CallType.

Why this Alert is Important

This alert indicates the presence of one of the following alerts:

Alert TypeDescription
AwsApiCallAn API was called.
AwsApiCallMFAAn API was called with MFA.
AwsServiceEventThe service generated an event related to your trail. For example, this can occur when another account makes a call with a resource that you own.
AwsConsoleActionAn action was taken in the console that was not an API call.
AwsConsoleSignInA user in your account (root, IAM, federated, SAML, or SwitchRole) signed in to the AWS Management Console.


Conduct an AWS security audit, including:

  • Review your AWS account credentials.
  • Review your IAM users.
  • Review your IAM groups.
  • Review your IAM roles.
  • Review your IAM providers for SAML and OpenID Connect (OIDC).
  • If you have created a mobile app that makes requests to AWS, review your mobile apps.
  • Review your Amazon EC2 security configuration.
  • Review AWS policies in other services.

Check the AWS Management Console for any unusual new resources or a resource in a new AWS region.


The following are resolutions that you can implement:

  • Rotate and delete all AWS access keys.
  • Rotate any potentially unauthorized IAM user credentials.
  • Delete any unrecognized or unauthorized resources.
  • Enable MFA.
  • Avoid using the root user for day-to-day operations.