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GCP API Failed With Error

This alert occurs when Lacework detects an API failed with an error within a geolocation.

Why this Alert is Important

A failed API call can indicate a network issue or a problem with the specific data center in that region, performance issues, or a security issue, such as a potential DDoS attack or malicious activity targeting that region.


Investigating an API that failed with an error involves looking at various logs and metrics to gather information about the incident. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Determine which API call failed by looking at the logs or metrics for the service that the API belongs to.
  2. Look at the error message to see if it explains what went wrong. Sometimes, the error message may contain details about the type of error, the error code, or other information that can help diagnose the issue.
  3. Look at the logs for the API to see if there are any additional details about the error, such as the time it occurred, the parameters that were passed, or any other relevant information.
  4. If the API is part of a more extensive application or service, look at the server logs for the application to see if any errors or issues could have contributed to the API failure.
  5. Look at any relevant metrics for the API or the service to see if any spikes in traffic, errors, or other anomalies could explain the issue.
  6. If the error occurred within a specific geolocation, check to see if any regional issues could have contributed to the error.


There are several steps you can take to help avoid API failures:

  • Ensure your application code and infrastructure are properly configured and optimized for performance, such as conducting regular code reviews, implementing caching and optimization techniques, and configuring auto-scaling to handle the increased load.
  • Monitor your APIs and applications for errors and performance issues.
  • Use API management tools to monitor and control access to your APIs, such as implementing rate limiting, throttling, and access controls to prevent abuse and protect against attacks.
  • Implement robust security controls to protect against unauthorized access and data breaches, such as multi-factor authentication, encrypting sensitive data, and using security best practices.
  • Regularly test and audit your APIs and applications to identify vulnerabilities and areas for improvement.