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lacework vulnerability host list-cves

List the CVEs found in the hosts in your environment


List the CVEs found in the hosts in your environment.

Filter results to only show vulnerabilities actively running in your environment with fixes:

lacework vulnerability host list-cves --active --fixable
lacework vulnerability host list-cves [flags]


      --active            only show vulnerabilities of packages actively running in your environment
--csv output vulnerability assessment in CSV format
--fixable only show fixable vulnerabilities
-h, --help help for list-cves
--packages show a list of packages with CVE count
--severity string filter vulnerability assessment by severity threshold (critical, high, medium, low, info)

Options inherited from parent commands

  -a, --account string      account subdomain of URL (i.e. <ACCOUNT>
-k, --api_key string access key id
-s, --api_secret string secret access key
--api_token string access token (replaces the use of api_key and api_secret)
--debug turn on debug logging
--json switch commands output from human-readable to json format
--nocache turn off caching
--nocolor turn off colors
--noninteractive turn off interactive mode (disable spinners, prompts, etc.)
--organization access organization level data sets (org admins only)
-p, --profile string switch between profiles configured at ~/.lacework.toml
--subaccount string sub-account name inside your organization (org admins only)