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This rule also encompasses lacework-global-664. See Adjusted Rules for CIS Amazon EKS 1.1.0 for further details.

4.1.4 Minimize access to create pods (Automated)


This rule has been changed to automated, see Automated Rules for CIS Amazon EKS 1.1.0 for details.

Profile Applicability

• Level 1


The ability to create pods in a namespace can provide a number of opportunities for privilege escalation, such as assigning privileged service accounts to these pods or mounting hostPaths with access to sensitive data (unless Pod Security Policies are implemented to restrict this access)

As such, access to create new pods should be restricted to the smallest possible group of users.


The ability to create pods in a cluster opens up possibilities for privilege escalation and should be restricted, where possible.


Care should be taken not to remove access to pods to system components which require this for their operation


Review the users who have create access to pod objects in the Kubernetes API.


Where possible, remove create access to pod objects in the cluster.